



With a Lore Bible, a TTRPG (tabletop role-playing game) using a mobile or desktop app and AI chatbot as a game management system and as the Game Master, and a series of three sci-fi novels, we are laying the foundation for a community-created universe with its own ecosystem on Web3, complete with our own token, a marketplace for digital assets, and a focus on the many ways to tell community-created stories. That world is called Xenxu, a parallel reality platform to Earth, and features in a sci-fi novel called Mythion, by Jason Davis, and some characters in the story believe it was created by sentient AI operating on quantum computers.

For all intents and purposes, it's a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). Check out the lore under its tab. It's a big idea, and a lot of fun to create within its broad boundaries. It will be more fully fleshed out in its fantastic complexity through Mythion and its sequels. Mythion was published in 2022, and the second book will be published in fall 2024.


Like many forging new paths in this mostly undiscovered frontier, our mission is manifold. First, to be a player in promoting the new pathways to prosperity for individuals seeking cutting edge ways and means to do that. Second, to create a supportive and inclusive social environment underpinned by top notch content and games. Third, to create an ecosystem with a multiplicity of cross-platform marketing and exposure, meaning the novels, novellas, videos and short stories on all the distribution platforms will boost exposure for the Xenxu World ecosystem, and vice versa. Fourth, to do our part in expanding awareness of this frontier into demographic segments which extend beyond the usual focus of the 23 and under age group.