


Greetings and salutations fellow scribes, and welcome to Xenxu World, an entirely new kind of publisher. Don't yet know what Xenxu World is? Check it out under the Xenxu World navigation tab.

This page exists for one reason at this juncture, and that is to give all interested in our community created universe plenty of lead time to write whatever content you want for our world building. By lead time, we're referring to all contributors generating a stockpile of content for the world to have on hand before our official launch date down the road.

At this point, we don't know how long that may be, as the blockchain side of this enterprise is highly technical, and our game app development could absorb quite a few cycles in the multipath roadmap. Today's date is April 4, 2024, and we expect the official launch of Xenxu World to be anywhere between six and twelve months.

If you want to know more about Xenxu World and our plans for the Web3 (blockchain) side of things, you can read about that here. We strongly recommend you read everything on this site, as your fullest understanding might in fact be a driver of what you produce.

Everything you write belongs to you. If you write short stories, novellas, or novels, with storylines and/or characters which become incorporated into the core canon of the Xenxu tabletop roleplaying game, or any other media type in our world, then we will negotiate a different compensation structure for you. That would involve a royalty agreement, where you are in effect licensing your intellectual property for our use.

We're breaking new ground with respect to how we will enter and expand into the Web3 space. We'll summarize. Most Web3 developers are focusing on video, VR, and augmented reality gaming, which panders to the most crypto wallet-ready audience of younger people, the majority of it being played on mobile phones. Generally speaking, all their worldbuilding is being revealed and fostered by the games themselves.

Conversely, we are worldbuilding through stories, and making games, individual missions, adventures and campaigns from the world member stories. The roleplaying game is roughly comparable to Dungeons & Dragons, only in a fully immersive, consciousness shifting, world made by quantum computers, where all the usual fantasy tropes won't apply in the usual way. This game type fosters the players' own creativity, making their vision the theater of the mind versus the theater as presented through video game graphics and scenes, which does not challenge nor fire up their own creativity. Eventually, however, we will make video games for those who enjoy having the theater already built for them to play in.

Our approach to this dovetails with the idea that, in the broadest gaming community, those playing roleplaying games tend to be more social, like to physically get together, and are generally more mature, intelligent, and sophisticated. Our theory is that loosely defined demographic will be more inclined to be readers. So, we're turning readers into players, and players into readers, making a cross-marketing platform like none other.

Because players will be inventing their own storylines within our ludic parameters, and will often stream their games on Twitch, they will be creating storylines that themselves can be expanded into whatever kind of content world members want to create with it. So even just playing becomes potential content creation.

Beyond the roleplaying game, there will be other entertainment categories into which your storylines may be incorporated. We do plan to create video games, VR, augmented reality, audio theater, audio books and story series, films, streaming videos, and the list goes on. Yes, a one stop publishing shop that caters to more than just readers and gamers.

After launch, you may set up an account as a content creator, a player, a digital trader, or any combination thereof. You'll then be able to upload your stories and/or books (including audio) to, much like is done with any digital vendor or publisher of written matter, e.g., Amazon, Kobo, Audible, etc., but all proceeds from sales will flow to you. We will retain a small administrative fee/commission for our part in effecting the purchase and download of your property, enough to cover the costs and a little for having built the ecosystem in which you will find an audience and success, all driven by the quality and appeal of your own work.

Let's draw a clearer, however brief, picture of how this relates to the Web3 side of things. Imagine creating a character who gets integrated into a game adventure. A player then chooses that character as a basis for their own character in their role in a campaign. They customize her, endow her with special abilities, and then create an on-chain NFT of this "personi" (our word for "avatar"), which then becomes a personal asset in the inventory of the world member's account. That asset has value, and is tradeable in the digital marketplace, having had "enhancements" the player has earned or added that more or less become value added, perhap fetching a higher price in the marketplace.

There will be a royalty for the original creator of the character in the form of our own crypto token, Xenxu. That's the power of what we're talking about here.

We invite you to invent new locations, cities, island archipelagos, far north, far south, under the sea, in the gigantic mountain fastnesses, whatever, to incorporate into the world map and general lore. If you have sci-fi books or stories that have languished in obscurity on any of the publishing platforms, and goodness knows we all do, feel free to rework those as Xenxu World content. But other genres may also be used. "After Earth," the sci-fi movie with Will and Jaden Smith, was originally a western and got reworked to its present sci-fi form, so anything is possible.

In the content marketplace, all content will be digital, and there will be no sales rankings, but units downloaded will be associated with the statistics of the world member. Xenxu World will have no advertising for anything outside its ecosystem, but creators will have the option to advertise within the ecosystem for world members, or even just nonmember browsers. For authors with budgets, we will encourage any advertising you prefer outside our space, which will drive more and more purchasers to the world, thus making it so that all those engaged in outside advertising are in effect advertising for their fellow content creators.

Payments to creator members will be paid out within sixty days.

The only requisite for anything you create for Xenxu World is that it has something to do with Xenxu. Jason Davis's book, Mythion: Discontinuity in Time, and the two books to follow in the series, will flesh out what will be the canonical lore. For the lore summary, go here, or use the navigation tabs. Because Xenxu is its own world, somewhere in our own galaxy, even adventures in space apply. Since Xenxu has so much water, undersea adventures will be prevalent. Its mountains are enormous, rife with every imaginable mystery. There are no limits here. At the same time, we also encourage any works that incorporate Earth real life into them.

At the risk of sounding like we're trying to pitch the sale of Jason Davis's novel, we are nevertheless obligated to mention this. To get a comprehensive vision, feel and "lay of the land" of Xenxu, the fastest route to that is by reading his book. This is because there are world elements which are not negotiable, such as its origin, its composition, how it works, how to switch one's consciousness into it, its sun and moon, its existing regions, its subequatorial climate and culture, its main supercity, etc. It's a blast of a read, and quite a mindbender, so you can't go wrong there.

It's free on Kindle Unlimited, $2.99 otherwise, but if you prefer the PDF be sent by email, let us know.

Let us know when you get started, and finished, and please join our Happenings email list to stay updated on all developments. If you have any questions, please contact us, and thanks for reading.